What happens when the crazy down hill devils from GX1000 come to Stuttgart, a.k.a. the "Kessel" (cauldron)? Question is - what doesn't happen?
The guys stayed in Europe for a couple of weeks bombing hills and killing spots for the "Jagen" video project. Paris and stuff, but mostly here in our beloved Stuttgart home base.
Stuttgart being famous for it's location, deep in a valley, with lots of down hills, was the perfect playground for Sean Green, Jeff Carlyle and the bunch. The GX1000 guys did appreciate our fair share of rough skate spots as well.
Sheehan Kneeland and Elvis Merkelbach, our local heroes, even were able to sneak in some clips to contribute to the skateboard video. Make sure to watch the clip and peep em.
Thanks for coming out! Come back any time soon. Our skate shop in Stuttgart and Paris will always hold a special place for this project in our hearts.
Special thanks also to BEAST Distribution and Ryan Garshell making this possible.
Photography by:
Felix Adler
Gilbert Garcia
Filmed by:
Cody Thompson & Ryan Garshell
Nile Gibbs
Sean Greene
Jeff Carlyle
Zack Krull
Matt Finley
Willow Voges Fernandes
Elvis Merkelbach
Robby Bootes
Sheehan Kneeland
Skate Shop
Tübinger Str. 12-16
70178 Stutttgart
Skate Shop Paris
17 Rue Réaumur
75003 Paris