Buy our skate decks, shirts & hoodies only directly from arrow & beast your local skatebrand from paris and stuttgart


Arrow & Beast is a Stuttgart-based skate shop that opened it's doors in 2010. Winning the European Skate Shop of the year award in 2018 as the first German skate shop ever. We expanded in 2021 by adding a brick and mortar store in Paris.

Arrow & Beast is skateboarder-owned and skater-run with a focus on bringing you the best new skate and lifestyle brands as well as fresh concepts in skateboarding. We also try to push the limits of what a local core skate shop can do. With European tours and our constant output of content across the media scape, from dedicated video productions to ads and features in established skateboarding magazines like Pocket Skate Mag, SOLOThrasher Skate Mag.

Supporting the local skateboarding scene is a key component to our DNA. Throughout the years Arrow and Beast has sponsored numerous events like the Stuttpark Hell Battles and many small skate contests locally and super-regional. In collaboration with New Balance Numeric and the church council of St. Maria, we renovated the local spot "Pauline". Rumor has it, in Paris a certain marble curb has appeared out of nowhere. We wonder who put it there.

We are very proud of our own big home town events. "Palais Du Beast" (I & II) a skateboard contest literally through the doors of the historic old library of Stuttgart and the huge "Opéra De La Beast" in collaboration with the Stuttgart State Opera,  that successfully brought together the skateboarding world and the opposing rich cultural side of the posh city of Stuttgart. Engagements to fuse skateboarding into the minds and culture of our beloved city.

Another highlight for us is hosting and accommodating international brands like the Anthony Van Engelen's and Jason Dill's FA World Entertainment, Austyn Gillette's Former and the whole bunch of GX1000 guys in our little down hill city of Stuttgart. 

Our Arrow & Beast skate team, or "Family" as we like to call it, has many talents sitting under one roof to make sure we stay poppin'.  From new up and coming local rippers like Simon Gärtner and Reece Knobloch to legends like Lem Villemin and Patrick Zentgraf.

We produce quality shop decks with the highest of standards and partners such as PSstix and DSM. Check out our range of shirts, hoodies and other skateboarding merchandise at ARROWANDBEAST.COM